Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Save FamilySearch Catalog Docs to Google Drive

FamilySearch employee, Carol Moss, passed on a great tip for genealogy researchers who use the FamilySearch Catalog to aid in their ancestral quest.  Save FamilySearch Catalog results to your Google Drive.

We all use the catalog to help us plan our research forays to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and in branch libraries around the world.  The wise researcher spend time ahead of their library visits to identify the resources at the library that will hopefully result in information about their family.  No one wants to waste their valuable time in the library looking through the catalog to plan their research day.

Use Google Drive to save the catalog search results you've found.   They will be available on your phone or device when you visit the library.

It is simple to do. 

1. Use Chrome as you browser.
2. Use your Google account credentials to login to Gmail or another Google app.

Search for the topic in the library catalog.   \




Click on the result of interest, opening it in a new tab.

Click on the Print icon.




When the Print dialog frame pops up, click on the Change button and choose "Save to Google Drive".






The Catalog result was saved to Google drive as a .pdf document.




At the library, use your device to go to Google drive.  Double click on the related file.  When the file opens, the full results of the item are on the file.  If you need more detail, click on the links on the page to go the the related page on the FamilySearch site.



It's just that simple.  You may also want to write your research notes on a Google Document so they are also available in the future and are stored in the cloud.  You can always download the document to your device or computer and / or print them.