Tools and Digital Newspapers
Here are a few tools and sites that I've found to be extremely useful.
If you haven't previously downloaded the free 'Family Searcher' program, try it. I think you'll like this tool written by Kevin Owen. The screen is split top and bottom... the top half will look at a GEDCOM file of your choice on your computer and the bottom half of the screen shows IGI page on Family Search. It is a great tool if you decide to save your file as a GEDCOM or are checking out IGI information on a GEDCOM file given to you by someone else.
And, while we are talking about split screens, remember to download the Free Transcript 2.1 program that I've mentioned earlier. You'll love this tool when you start transcribing Census Records, Birth / Marriage / etc. certificates.
Here's a great site for old Utah / Idaho newspapers, photos, old books, etc. Digital Collections. I've found a ton of info on my families here including letters to editors, histories, photos, etc. Free access...
And while talking about digital historic newspapers, many of the old newspapers that were printed in Utah are found on the Utah Digital Newspapers site.
Do you have family who came to America from 1830 - 1892? Odds are they went through Castle Garden which was the immigrant processing facility before Ellis Island.
The BYU Family History Resources web site offers a ton of information, but most of it is only accessible through a BYU library card / student card. However, there are links to some good info here that don't require a card..
And lastly, click here to see my genealogy links page....
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