Our ancestor was born or died in a sparsely populated county or area and government and church records were never created for them for one reason or another. Therefore, their missing information is impossible to find. Right?
That may not be true in more cases than you'd think.
In 1985, my wife an I traveled to Calaveras County, California looking for information on my 2nd great grandparents and their family. The only information I had about them was that they lived and died in Copperopolis, a tiny mining town on the shoulder of the Sierra Nevada's. The mines had long since closed and the population could be counted on the fingers of both hands (well, maybe you had to use some of your toes too).
Not finding anyone in the tiny store who knew anything about my family, I asked for directions to the cemetery. It was divided into four sections by rock walls and occupied by past residents who belonged to various faiths, organizations and the populace in general.
When we found the headstones and burial plot of my ancestors and some of their family, I was delighted. Finally, I'd seen and touched something tangible that proved their lives. I could see that someone cared about them, because of a few desert plants and bushes that had been planted around the plot. An old coffee can and quart Mason bottle were sitting against the California oak tree in the plot and were obviously used to carry water to the plantings.
Wondering how I could contact the 'care taker' of these plants, it came to me to write a note on the back of my business card and put it in the bottle and the bottle inside the coffee can asking them to please contact me. Who knew if they would or how long it would take? I had high hopes and they weren't dashed. Several days later, I received a letter and family information from the distant cousin who cared for the cemetery plants. Gold was found in the old California Gold Country again!!
We made a second trip to Calaveras County and after talking to the good folks in the Calaveras County Historical Society were told that I needed to talk to Charlie Stone in Copperopolis. He was the unofficial town historian and may have some information to help me in my quest.
It didn't take long to find Charlie and Rhoda Stone's home in tiny Copperopolis. Rhoda opened the door to my knocking and invited us in. One whole wall of their living room was covered from floor to ceiling with stacks of paper, books and documents about early Copperopolis and Calaveras County. They were writing a book about the area and all of these records were part of their research.
Charlie came home a few minutes later and after we introduced ourselves to him and related our quest to find my ancestors, his face lit up and he said, "I have something for you .... right here". Reaching into one of the towering stacks of paper he pulled a dozen pages out. I held my breath thinking the entire stack would soon be an avalanche hitting the floor but Charlie knew his stacking skills better than I.
He turned to me and said, "These are the records of your people". "Here are their birth, marriage and death dates and places". "Oh, and by the way, here is a photo of your great grandmother in her buggy when she was a young woman." Time stopped. The grin on my face was permanent. He offered to make copies of all of it for me and off we went to the telephone company service trailer to make them.
I had in my hands something more precious than gold in my estimation.
When we walked back into his home, he stopped and thought for a

As soon as we got home, I wrote my cousin a letter and sent copies of all of our common ancestry that I'd found in my life long ancestral quest. Three days later, I received a telephone call. He asked if I was the person who had sent the letter and information. When I said yes, he asked how I'd gotten his address. I told him the story about visiting Charlie Stone and that Charlie, true to his word, had passed on his name and address to a family member looking for our common ancestry.
The line was silent for almost a minute. When he started to speak again he was still suspicious of me. Due to problems in his life, none of their accounts, ownerships or other records listed him. Everything was in his wife's maiden name. He said it was "Impossible for Charlie Stone to give you my address." "I've never heard of Charlie Stone." "I haven't been in Copperopolis for over 40 years." "I don't have a motorcycle!" "We only moved into our current home less than nine months ago, long after the date Charlie said I'd visited him."
We talked for a little while about our families and ancestry and I discovered that he'd lost all contact with his family and close ancestors over the years. Tender moments and comments ensued and he had to hang up because he couldn't control his emotions any longer.
Brick walls came down both in my ancestral quest and in my family search in general due to my visit with Charlie Stone. Was I guided by an unseen force? You bet I was and I'm extremely grateful for it.
Charlie wrote his book (I own one) and is gone now. My cousin has also passed on, but the experience of meeting this old unofficial town historian and then 'meeting' my cousin on a telephone call will always be with me.
Great grandpa and grandma, thanks for helping me find you and your family.
So, when you are trying to knock down your own ancestral 'brick walls' or fill in information about your extended families, don't forget to look for the Charlie Stone in the area where your family lived. You never know what will turn up and who you'll meet.
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