David Lewis Drew’s quest for gold and a bright future continued to dwindle by August 1856. The hard labor by he and his partners was not rewarded with few golden flashes in their flumes.
Accidental deaths in the gold fields still occurred from time to time. David noted the death of Harry Richard in his diary entry of Tuesday, 19 August 1856. His diary entries continued to be shorter than those earlier in the year. He even began to skip entries for several contiguous days.
We enter David’s world with the not that he had written a letter to his father, David Drew, back home in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
August 1856.
FRIDAY 1, -- Wrote to Farther to day.
SATURDAY 2, -- Went to Sonora this eavening to a political meeting.
SUNDAY 3, -- Staid on Shaws Flat to day.
MONDAY 4, -- Len and George are sick today. George and myself went up on the Flat this afternoon.
TUESDAY 5, -- Got some lumber on to the hill this afternoon.
WEDNESDAY 6, -- Went to haulling lumber this morning haulled one load and then give it up.
THURSDAY 7, -- Went up on Shaws Flat to day.
FRIDAY 8, -- Went up to Columbia this morning after barly. Made up some boxes this afternoon.
SATURDAY 9, -- Finished making up boxes this afternoon.
SUNDAY 10, -- Went up to town this forenoon. But soon got tired and came home.
MONDAY 11, -- Commenced setting up our tail race this morning.
TUESDAY 12, -- Washed a little this forenoon and finished puting in our tail race this afternoon.
WEDNESDAY 13, -- Washed all day to day.
THURSDAY 14, -- George Colingwood was down here to day.
FRIDAY 15, -- Have to shovel tailings now there is not watter enough in the river to carry them off.
SATURDAY 16, -- Wrote a letter to William Keene to day.
SUNDAY 17, -- Went up on Shaws Flat to day and to Sonora.
MONDAY 18, -- George went up this evening after papers.
TUESDAY 19, -- Harry Richard died yesterday. He was hurt by a timber falling on him. A week ago today.
WEDNESDAY 20, -- Shifted sluice to day.
SATURDAY 23, -- Nothing worth mentioning transpired this last three days.
SUNDAY 24, -- Went the usual round to day to shaws flat &c.
MONDAY 25, -- Len is sick to day and did not work Went up the hill this afternoon after some hay.
TUESDAY 26, -- George and myself went up the hill this afternoon and hauled some hay down.
SATURDAY 30, -- Went down to Jimtown to day to attend the know nothing tunnel meeting.
SUNDAY 31 -- Stopped in Columbia last night and went to the circus. Took a ride to Sonora.
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